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Please email (thebronzegolf@gmail.com) or upload your company logo and promo material if you are a first-time sponsor. The preferred formats are: .eps, .ai, .pdf. We will create signage with your company logo to display at the event and add your logo to the Bronze Golf website: www.TheBronzeGolf.com.
If you plan to have representatives at your sponsored hole, please arrive between 8:00 and 8:30 am to allow you time to make your way out to your designated hole and set up. Please look for Darwin Dean (event manager) or any Hiawatha staff member to direct you / help you to your designated hole. The golfers start checking in at 7:45 am, and at that point, it is hectic in and around the clubhouse and parking lots. Please plan on bringing your provisions (i.e., tent, table, chairs, displays, etc.). The event happens rain or shine, so be sure to bring plenty of sunscreen, water, an umbrella, snacks, etc. We will provide a lunch for you at the event over lunch at your hole for sponsors. The Bronze shotgun is at 9:00 am, and the mid-day ceremony typically starts at 12:30 outside the tent.
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